
A woman in a brightly coloured scarf peers through coffee bean bushes on either side of her.

Annual Report 2022-23

Reporting on ACFID’s activities to ensure transparency and accountability


ACFID is the peak body for Australian NGOs involved in international development and humanitarian action.


ACFID works and engages with a range of strategic partners in addition to our members.


ACFID is governed by its Board, ACFID Council, and various expert and governance committees.


A line of ladies in colourful outfits cheer and dance joyously.

Conference 2023

disruptive dynamics, inspired ideas

18-19 October 2023

Meet our Members

The ACFID membership is comprised of Australian NGOs that actively work in the international aid and development sector.

Become a member

Joining ACFID means joining an experienced and powerful mix of like-minded organisations committed to good international development practice.

Membership types & fees

ACFID has two types of organisational membership: Full Membership and Affiliate Membership.

State of the Sector

The State of the Sector Report provides a comprehensive and robust analysis of the state of the Australian aid and development sector.

NGO Aid Map

ACFID’s NGO Aid Map allows the Australian public and stakeholders to explore the work of ACFID Members around the world.

Development Practice Committee

The DPC is an expert advisory group of development practitioners leading good practice within the sector.

Our Focus

Four men paint a colourful mural

Federal Budget 23-24 Analysis

Facts and figures on how aid is presented in this year’s annual budget

Strategic Plan

ACFID prioritises a robust response to climate change and pressure on civil society in developing countries, as well as other key priorities.

Emergency Aid

ACFID Members provide vital life-saving assistance in the immediate aftermath of an emergency.

Climate Change

Action on climate change is one of ACFID’s highest priorities, as it is an existential threat to humanity and our development.

Civil Society

Civil societies are a cornerstone of regional stability and ensure that the voices of the marginalised are heard.

Supporting NGOS

Supporting NGOs as Valuable Partners.

Inclusive & locally led development

Walking the talk on inclusive development.

Humanitarian Action

Taking humanitarian action for those in greatest need.

Elevating Development

Elevating Development to the Heart of Australia’s International Engagement.


Improving standards, practice and culture to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

Code of Conduct

A small girl stands in front of a multi-coloured finger paint artwork, with a blue paint covered hand

2022-23 ACFID Code of Conduct Review

The ACFID Code of Conduct is periodically reviewed to ensure it continues to reflect good practice and the needs of ACFID and its members.

Code of Conduct

The Code is a voluntary, self-regulatory industry code of good practice.

About the Code

Find out more about the Code of Conduct and how it operates.

Good Practice Toolkit

Overview and practical resources, and examples to support the implementation of the Code.

Spotlight on the Code

Provides a thematic ‘deep dive’ into each of the nine Quality Principles in the Code


This section outlines the responsibility to be taken by each Member to ensure compliance with the Code.

Complaints Handling

How to make a complaint and information on the Code’s independent mechanism to address concerns relating to an ACFID Members’ conduct.

Other Standards

Mapping the Code with other professional standards and principles in the humanitarian and aid sector in Australia and internationally

Home 5 Good Practice Toolkit

Good Practice Toolkit

A key purpose of ACFID is to equip and encourage members to observe the highest ethical standards in all their activities, including strict observance of the Code of Conduct and to work towards improving practice over time. The Good Practice Toolkit is provided as a supplement to the Code of Conduct.


The Good Practice Toolkit provides practical advice and support for the
implementation of the Code of Conduct. It will provide you with guidance
and practical suggestions to support your organisation to meet its compliance requirements, to promote learning and development and to strengthen your organisation’s policies, practices and operations over time. It is a comprehensive guide, proposing a broad range of best practice suggestions relating to all areas of the Code.


Code Changes 2023

The ACFID Code of Conduct is a voluntary, self-regulatory sector code of good practice. It was developed in 1997 and comprehensively revised in 2010, 2016 and 2023. The Code aims to improve international development and humanitarian action outcomes and increase stakeholder trust by enhancing the transparency, accountability and effectiveness of ACFID’s members. In conjunction with other aspects of ACFID’s work, the effective delivery of the Code will contribute to the realisation of human rights and the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The ACFID Code of Conduct is periodically reviewed to ensure it continues to reflect good practice and the needs of ACFID and its members. The purpose of the 2022-23 review was to make sure the Code and associated Quality Assurance Framework remains relevant, coherent, useful and credible to members and external stakeholders. This has been done through an extensive consultative process between August 2022 – June 2023 involving ACFID decision-making bodies, Communities of Practice, ACFID members and external stakeholders including DFAT and the ACNC.

ACFID’s members ratified both the revised 2023 Code of Conduct and the Quality Assurance Framework at ACFID’s Annual General Meeting on 18 October 2023. The ACFID Code of Conduct and the associated requirements of the Quality Assurance Framework will be in effect from 30 June 2024. Changes to the Quality Assurance Framework are as approved by the Code of Conduct Committee on advice from the Development Practice Committee, and with the Board retaining a right of veto.

To learn more about the Review, view the Frequently Asked Questions.

To learn more about the process and workshops, visit the 2022-2023 Code of Conduct Review page.

Quality Principal 1: Rights, Justice and Safeguarding

Development and humanitarian initiatives respect and protect human rights and advance justice.

This Quality Principle recognises the centrality of individual and collective human rights, inclusive participation, equity, protection and justice for those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by the intersecting drivers of marginalisation and exclusion.

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Quality Principal 2: Locally-led Action and Inclusion

Development and humanitarian initiatives enable sustainable change by supporting local leadership and inclusive approaches.

This Quality Principle is focused on local ownership, participation, and recognises the importance of communities and individuals being fully empowered actors in their own development process. It is just and fair that local participants have a say in activities that affect their lives.

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Quality Principal 3: Systemic Change, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action

Development and humanitarian initiatives contribute to systemic change, environmental sustainability and climate action.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of durable and lasting development change including climate action and environmental sustainability. This represents our sector’s own evolution in its approaches to achieving sustainable change and the climate crisis.

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Quality Principal 4: Quality and Effectiveness

Development and humanitarian organisations and responses are informed by evidence, planning, assessment and learning.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of deep contextual analysis based on evidence and experience, continuously capturing evidence of change, critically analysing and reflecting on performance, sharing lessons and promoting a culture of adaptation because development responses take place in complex and dynamic contexts. It reflects the importance of the key associated processes of consultation, analysis, planning, design, monitoring, evaluation and learning.

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Quality Principal 5: Collaboration

Development and humanitarian responses are optimised through effective coordination, collaboration and partnership.

This Quality Principle recognises that the complexity of creating development change demands multiple actors working together in different ways, and that quality collaborations are based on mutual respect, transparency and understanding. Accordingly, this Quality Principle places a strong emphasis on mutuality and accountability in partnership. Understanding of partnership principles and partnership practice has evolved considerably in recent years, and the Code’s Compliance Indicators have been crafted to emphasise the importance of joint negotiation, shared goals, and effectiveness in partnership approaches.

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Quality Principal 6: Communication

Development and humanitarian organisations communicate truthfully and ethically.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of our communications in building and maintaining trust with all stakeholders. Integrity in all our communication is critical to building and sustaining confidence among donors and stakeholders. Ensuring that communications are developed with integrity provides organisations with credibility among key stakeholders, including the communities that it seeks to support and donors from whom it receives support.

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Quality Principal 7: Governance

Development and humanitarian organisations are governed in an accountable, transparent and responsible way.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of building trust with all stakeholders through compliance with standards and through ethical and sound decision-making. It covers all aspects of good governance, extending beyond the establishment of a formal governing body and associated mechanisms, and including core organisational Commitments to governing responsibly, accountably and transparently. Quality Principle 7 incorporates obligations covering governing instruments, governing body policies, transparency, annual general meetings, conflicts of interest, legal requirements and complaints handling.

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Quality Principal 8: Resource Management

Development and humanitarian organisations acquire, manage and report on resources ethically and responsibly.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of building trust with all stakeholders through the good management and use of resources. It includes member requirements regarding fundraising and financial management. The Compliance Indicators that relate to financial management and reporting have been developed in close consultation with the CCC to streamline current obligations wherever possible while also ensuring that requirements are clear and accommodate the diversity of ACFID Members.

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Quality Principal 9: People and Culture

Development and humanitarian organisations manage and support their people fairly and effectively.

This Quality Principle recognises the importance of our people and their ability to work to enable good development outcomes. The working environments of our organisations should be places where the key human rights principles of fairness, equity, and respect for social and cultural diversity are deeply embedded in policies, practices and organisational culture. This means that there is agreement between these same principles that underlie your mission and goals for aid and development, and the way that staff and volunteers are treated.

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ACFID Members commit to being compliant with all aspects of the Code, and to continuously monitor their compliance. Compliance with the Code of Conduct enhances effective development practice. Non-compliance with the Quality Principles and Commitments set out in the Code of Conduct will reflect negatively on the individual organisation and the sector as a whole.

This section outlines the responsibility to be taken by each Member to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct.

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This part of the Good Practice Toolkit provides general and financial definitions. The financial definitions provided are to be used by all signatory organisations in the preparation of their Financial reports.

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