
A woman in a brightly coloured scarf peers through coffee bean bushes on either side of her.

Annual Report 2022-23

Reporting on ACFID’s activities to ensure transparency and accountability


ACFID is the peak body for Australian NGOs involved in international development and humanitarian action.


ACFID works and engages with a range of strategic partners in addition to our members.


ACFID is governed by its Board, ACFID Council, and various expert and governance committees.


A line of ladies in colourful outfits cheer and dance joyously.

Conference 2023

disruptive dynamics, inspired ideas

18-19 October 2023

Meet our Members

The ACFID membership is comprised of Australian NGOs that actively work in the international aid and development sector.

Become a member

Joining ACFID means joining an experienced and powerful mix of like-minded organisations committed to good international development practice.

Membership types & fees

ACFID has two types of organisational membership: Full Membership and Affiliate Membership.

State of the Sector

The State of the Sector Report provides a comprehensive and robust analysis of the state of the Australian aid and development sector.

NGO Aid Map

ACFID’s NGO Aid Map allows the Australian public and stakeholders to explore the work of ACFID Members around the world.

Development Practice Committee

The DPC is an expert advisory group of development practitioners leading good practice within the sector.

Our Focus

Four men paint a colourful mural

Federal Budget 23-24 Analysis

Facts and figures on how aid is presented in this year’s annual budget

Strategic Plan

ACFID prioritises a robust response to climate change and pressure on civil society in developing countries, as well as other key priorities.

Emergency Aid

ACFID Members provide vital life-saving assistance in the immediate aftermath of an emergency.

Climate Change

Action on climate change is one of ACFID’s highest priorities, as it is an existential threat to humanity and our development.

Civil Society

Civil societies are a cornerstone of regional stability and ensure that the voices of the marginalised are heard.

Supporting NGOS

Supporting NGOs as Valuable Partners.

Inclusive & locally led development

Walking the talk on inclusive development.

Humanitarian Action

Taking humanitarian action for those in greatest need.

Elevating Development

Elevating Development to the Heart of Australia’s International Engagement.


Improving standards, practice and culture to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

Code of Conduct

A small girl stands in front of a multi-coloured finger paint artwork, with a blue paint covered hand

2022-23 ACFID Code of Conduct Review

The ACFID Code of Conduct is periodically reviewed to ensure it continues to reflect good practice and the needs of ACFID and its members.

Code of Conduct

The Code is a voluntary, self-regulatory industry code of good practice.

About the Code

Find out more about the Code of Conduct and how it operates.

Good Practice Toolkit

Overview and practical resources, and examples to support the implementation of the Code.

Spotlight on the Code

Provides a thematic ‘deep dive’ into each of the nine Quality Principles in the Code


This section outlines the responsibility to be taken by each Member to ensure compliance with the Code.

Complaints Handling

How to make a complaint and information on the Code’s independent mechanism to address concerns relating to an ACFID Members’ conduct.

Other Standards

Mapping the Code with other professional standards and principles in the humanitarian and aid sector in Australia and internationally

Home 5 Policy and Advocacy

Policy and Advocacy

ACFID advocates to the Australian government and parliament for a compassionate and high impact development cooperation and humanitarian assistance program for Australia. ACFID advocates for international development policy and practice that is responsive to its context, based on partner country needs, takes account of what works, and is founded on internationally agreed norms for sustainable development, human rights, and open and inclusive societies.

New Development Policy 2023

ACFID has welcomed the Government’s new International Development PolicyThe Policy was launched alongside a new Performance and Delivery Framework and Development Finance Review.

Current Projects

More than 30 Australian humanitarian agencies sign joint letter calling on Government to act on Gaza

More than 30 humanitarian organisations have signed an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his senior ministers urging Australia to intervene diplomatically to safeguard civilian lives in war-torn Gaza. Click here to read the letter. The Australian...

Australian charities raise the bar; setting new standards for climate action, racial justice and local leadership

Almost 130 Australian international NGOs, who are members of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) yesterday ratified revised and strengthened best-practice standards for the Australian development and humanitarian aid sector. The standards...

$10 million humanitarian assistance for civillians in Gaza welcomed; ceasefire now needed

The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) welcomes the Australian government’s announcement it will provide an initial contribution of $10 million to support humanitarian relief in Gaza, along with its strong calls to protect civilians.  ACFID now...

Aid sector welcomes ALP Conference resolution on aid budget

Delegates to the ALP Conference have today passed a motion that calls on the Albanese Government to commit to a plan and pathway to achieve a target of 0.5 percent when it comes to the foreign aid budget (ODA) as a percentage of Australian Gross National Income...

As two years since fall of Kabul marked, Australian Government urged to respond to Senate report on next steps

As the two-year anniversary of the Taliban taking power in Afghanistan is marked, the Australian aid and humanitarian sector is calling on the Australian Government to increase annual funding to the country to $80 million, amongst other measures. Today (August 15)...

ACFID’s New International Development Policy Analysis

ACFID's Analysis of the New International Development PolicyACFID has released our analysis of Australia's new International Development Policy, including the accompanying Performance and Delivery Framework and Development Finance Review. Read all about the highlights...

New international development policy reframes Australia’s development program

  The Australian Government has this morning released its eagerly-awaited new development policy, “Australia’s International Development Policy: For a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific.”  The policy sets the stage for Australia’s development...

Statement: ACFID supports decision to take Australian government to court over stranded children in Syria

  The Australian Council for International Development supports the decision by a group of Australian women and children to file a legal case in the Federal Court of Australia.  The group of 17 children and nine women, who have been trapped in detention camps in...

ACFID welcomes $29m foreign aid boost for crisis funding in Africa and Middle East

The Australian Council For International Development - ACFID - has warmly welcomed the Albanese Government's decision to allocate a further $29 million towards famine alleviation in the Horn of Africa and Middle East.  The amount brings to a total of $69 million that...
ACFID 2023-24 Federal Budget Front Cover. Features an image from PNG of men painting a mural

ACFID’s 2023-24 Federal Budget Analysis

ACFID has released our annual analysis of the Federal Budget as it relates to the development program.  While the Budget for 23-24 contains only modest immediate measures aimed at boosting ODA, ACFID recognises the Government is devoted to sequenced increases of 2.5...


ACFID Pre-Budget Submission 2023-24

ACFID Submission: Southeast Asia Economic Strategy

ACFID – HRG Submission to Australia’s International Development Policy Review

Submission to Australia’s International Development Policy

ACFID Pre-Budget Submission: January 2020

ACFID Supplementary Submission on Australia’s Engagement in Afghanistan

Policy briefs

ACFID 2022 Election Summary

Strengthening Australia’s Efforts to Address Gender Inequality – Accessible Version

Humanitarian Action for Those in Greatest Need Brief – Accessible

Elevating Development to the Heart of International Engagement – Accessible

Election Policy Brief 2022 – Humanitarian Action

Election Policy Brief 2022 – Health


Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Guidance Note

Climate Change: Questions for your Governing Body

ACFID Guidance for the Development of a Disability Inclusion Policy (Accessible Word Document)

ACFID Guidance for the Development of a Disability Inclusion Policy (PDF)

PSEA Country Mapping of Known Context, Legislation, Reporting and Referral Pathways – Vanuatu

PSEA Country Mapping of Known Context, Legislation, Reporting and Referral Pathways – Tonga
